- Product Description
The first-integrated SMS-FDR21 distribution network intelligent feeder terminal is mainly used in distribution network overhead lines to realize monitoring, fault judgment, resection, isolation of fault areas and restoration of power supply to non-fault areas of the feeder circuit column switch; Users need to use wireless, optical fiber and other communication methods to communicate with the power distribution master system for real-time communication.
Its technical features are:
1) Compatible with the requirements of one-time fusion, three-way, two-distance action, and two-distance standard type, and flexibly meet the occasions of off-site coincidence switch, line segmentation, line contact, user demarcation, etc. according to the configuration;
2) High-precision, wide-range sampling, conforming to the Comtrade 1999 standard for high-precision 128-point recording;
3) Small current single-phase ground fault, using transient algorithm, with ground fault local in-situ removal, line selection function and reclosing function, with the selection function based on centralized feeder automation;
4) Deepen the localized feeder automation application, compatible with recloser voltage time type, voltage and current time type, and adaptive integrated type.
5) Access the line loss measurement module to improve the level of management refinement.
6) Communication can be hard and soft encryption, built-in national network professional security chip.
7) The communication protocol is extended, and it has the function of configuring the national remote unified parameter.
8) Meet the requirements of the quality control system of the State Grid distribution equipment: type test, professional testing of distribution terminals, professional testing of one or two integrations, sample delivery before delivery, full inspection of arrival, on-site joint adjustment, and operation evaluation.
功能 |
描述 |
针对1回线路柱上开关 |
遥测:UAB、UBC、3U0,IA、IB、IC、3I0 |
遥信:远方、就地、电源模块、分位、合位、未储能 |
遥控:分闸、合闸、电池活化 |
压板:保护投退、重合闸、分闸、合闸 |
采样精度 |
电压、电流0.2级,功率0.5级,频率±0.01Hz |
遥信分辨率 |
≤2ms,防抖1~65535ms可设 |
遥控 |
通、断≥105,脉宽1~65535ms可设 |
数据传输 |
通信接口 |
RS232≥1,RS485≥1,以太网≥1 |
通信规约 |
IEC60870-5-101、IEC60870-5-104,支持参数配置、文件上传扩展功能 |
主站通信异常时,配电终端保存未上送的TCOS(带时标的COS)信息,通信恢复时及时传送至主站;配电终端建立新链接时,不上送历史TCOS信息。 |
具备单点、双点、合并点遥信处理,支持遥信变位优先上送 |
可对每个遥测点配置遥测死区 |
故障判别、越限告警上送 |
支持多主站,同一时刻仅接收一个主站的遥控命令 |
历史数据 存储
循环存储1024条TCOS事件记录,可文件传输方式上送。 |
循环存储31天的定点记录,可文件传输方式上送,定点数据每天等间隔产生96条 |
循环存储31天的极值记录,可文件传输方式上送,极值记录每天产生1条 |
循环存储30条的遥控操作记录,可文件传输方式上送 |
转发上传线损模块产生的日冻结电能量文件,功率反向电能量冻结值文件 |
录波数据循环存储64组,可文件传输方式上传至主站 |
录波启动条件包括过流故障、线路失压、零序电压、零序电流突变等,可单独或组合设定 |
录波内容包含故障发生时刻前4个周波和故障发生时刻后8个周波的波形数据,录波点数为128点/周波,录波数据包含电压、电流、开关位置;满足12个回路的录波 |
录波文件格式遵循Comtrade 1999标准中定义的格式,CFG(配置文件,ASCII文本)和DAT(数据文件,二进制格式)两个文件 |
速断,过流,过负荷,零序过流,三次重合闸,遮断电流闭锁,防涌流误动 |
具备不同中性点接地方式的接地故障处理功能,故障事件包括故障遥信信息及故障发生时刻开关电压、电流值 |
自适应就地馈线自动化,电压时间型就地馈线自动化,电压电流时间型就地馈线自动化 |
电压越限,电流越限,PT有压检测 |
具备故障指示手动复归、自动复归和主站远程复归功能,能根据设定时间或线路恢复正常供电后自动复归,也能根据故障性质(瞬时性或永久性)自动选择复归方式 |
集成安全芯片,芯片支持X.509标准格式SM2数字证书的解析功能,支持SM1数据加密和解密功能,支持SM2算法的签名和鉴签功能,支持SM2算法公私密钥对的产生功能,支持消息认证码MAC计算和验证功能 |
可监视安全芯片工作状态 |
需通过权限认证才可对装置进行维护操作 |
三遥硬件通道配置 |
当地、远程定值修改 |
三遥通讯点表配置 |
遥信、遥测状态查看,遥控输出 |
终端运行参数的当地及远方调阅与配置功能,配置参数包括零门槛值(零漂)、变化阈值(死区)、重过载报警限值、短路及接地故障动作参数等 |
终端固有参数的当地及远方调阅功能,调阅参数包括终端类型及出厂型号、终端ID号、嵌入式系统名称及版本号、硬件版本号、软件校验码、通信参数及二次变比等 |
程序远程更新,安全密钥远程下载 |
日志包括操作记录、错误记录、遥信记录、SOE记录、GPRS记录,各类可存储1000条 |
IEC101、IEC104通讯规约监测、解析 |
可自诊断、自恢复,对各功能板件、重要芯片等进行自诊断,异常时上送报警信息,软件异常时自动复位 |
具有明显的线路故障、终端状态和通信状态等就地状态指示信号,线路故障、终端状态杆下可见 |
直流电压 |
2路,0.2级 |
温度 |
1路,实时反应装置内部环境状况 |
对时 |
GPS B码对时,SNTP网络对时,规约对时 |
电源 |
工作电源 |
AC220V,双路自适应 |
后备电源 |
超级电容,无缝切换 |
操作机构 |
弹簧操作机构、电磁操作机构、永磁操作机构 |