中国创造 星玛智造
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology adjusts frequency usage plan for 230MHz frequency band to ensure frequency demand of energy internet
Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology adjusted the 230MHz frequency band usage plan used by narrowband wireless systems in power and water conservancy departments to ensure the frequency resources necessary for power grid enterprises to build a new generation of dedicated broadband wireless systems, greatly improving the frequency utilization efficiency. And the benefits have effectively supported the construction and development of China's energy Internet.
The planning and adjustment actively implemented the development concept of “innovation, coordination, green, openness, and sharing”. By introducing new technologies such as carrier aggregation and dynamic spectrum sharing, the 223-226MHz and 229-233MHz bands were defined for TDD-based broadband systems. The -228/233-235MHz and 228-229 MHz bands are still used in narrowband systems, taking into account the frequency requirements of broadband and narrowband systems, meeting the development needs of industry broadband wireless network applications, and effectively protecting existing narrowband system users. The frequency of use of equity. At the same time, encourage the use of the common network construction model, improve the level of network intensification, save network construction costs, and improve the efficiency of spectrum use.
China's power grid scale, UHV transmission, and new energy installed capacity rank first in the world. Power grid enterprises have built more than 500 million smart meters, and the number of information nodes such as various types of collectors has reached tens of millions. With the rapid growth of power distribution automatic control, power consumption information collection, and precision load control, new applications such as clean energy, electric vehicles, distributed power supplies, “transmission and distribution” machine inspections, and smart homes are becoming more and more popular. With the increase, traditional public mobile communications, power line carriers, and narrowband wireless systems are more difficult to meet the needs of power grid enterprises. Building a new generation of broadband wireless systems with low latency, high reliability and strong carrying capacity has become the key to supporting the development of China's energy Internet.
The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology will adjust the frequency usage plan for the 230MHz frequency band, which will promote grid enterprises to accelerate the construction of next-generation broadband wireless systems, real-time access and precise control of massive power terminals, and ensure safe and stable grid operation. It is expected that the broadband system will cover most of the country, with more than 700 million smart meters connected, and the direct economic benefits will exceed 100 billion yuan.