- Product Description
SMS-GIS-12 type SF6 fully insulated and fully sealed ring network cabinet is equipped with: high performance, high reliability SF6 fully insulated and fully sealed; all weather, high security, easy operation and installation, reserved expansion, long operating cycle, etc. Intelligent ring network cabinet.
1) Fully insulated, fully sealed design, air box protection grade IP67.
2) Select environmentally friendly materials, after the use of the product, more than 90% of the materials can be recycled;
3) Perfect shell grounding protection system, five anti-interlock and interlock system.
4) Maintenance-free design: All high-voltage live parts are in the SF6 air box, maintenance-free, and free of cleaning.
5) The operation position is humanized, and the force is small, and the operation procedure is reasonable.
6) Flexible expansion and wide application
产品参数 |
负荷开关L单元 |
组合电器P单元 |
断路器V单元 |
额定电压 |
kV |
12 |
12 |
12 |
额定电流 |
A |
630 |
≦200 注1” |
630 |
额定频率 |
Hz |
50 |
50 |
50 |
1min工频耐压(相间及对地/断口) |
kV |
42/48 |
42/48 |
42/48 |
雷电冲击耐受电压(相间及对地/断口) |
kV |
75/85 |
75/85 |
75/85 |
额定有功负载开断电流 |
A |
630 |
/ |
/ |
额定闭环开断电流 |
A |
630 |
/ |
/ |
5%有功负载开断电流 |
A |
31.5 |
/ |
/ |
额定电缆充电开断电流 |
A |
25 |
/ |
/ |
额定转移开断电流 |
A |
/ |
1700 注2” |
/ |
额定短路开断电流 |
kA |
/ |
31.5 |
20 |
额定短路关合电流 |
kA |
50 |
80 |
50 |
额定短时耐受电流 |
kA |
20 |
/ |
20 |
额定短时持续时间 |
S |
4 |
/ |
4 |
额定峰值耐受电流 |
kA |
50 |
/ |
50 |
内部电弧实验 |
/ |
20kA/1S |
20kA/1S |
20kA/1S |
机械寿命 |
次 |
负荷开关10000 接地开关3000 |
负荷开关10000 接地开关3000 |
断路器10000 隔离开关3000 接地开关3000 |
环境温度 |
℃ |
-40℃~+55℃ |
SF6气体压力/20℃时表压 |
MPa |
0.035 |
防护等级 |
气箱IP 67,其它IP4X |
密封试验(年泄漏率) |
≦0.004% |
海拔高度 |
≦3000m(如有特殊要求请在订货时注明) |
注1”:取决于熔断器的额定电流 注2”:12kV常规配置1700A,根据客户要求可达2700A |