中国创造 星玛智造
"Concentrate on strength, consistent goals, team win-win" Xingma Intelligent Electric 2018 winter expansion activities!

On December 1st, 2018, in order to enrich the cultural life of employees, strengthen communication between employees, enhance team cohesion and teamwork spirit, and promote mutual understanding between employees, Xingma Intelligent Electric Co., Ltd. held a "heart" 2018 winter expansion activities with cohesiveness, consistent goals and team win-win. The company organized some key employees to participate in the event. The expansion training activities mainly include: flag people flagship, crazy market, challenge 150, wild donkey and other projects.

In the outreach activities, grouping is carried out, and each team member selects their own captain to collectively formulate the process of completing the team name, team song, team slogan, and team display. The team leader leads the team members to set goals, plans, and rational division of labor to truly implement the ideas into action execution, and condense the strength of the team to complete the activities. In the completion of the task, when encountering difficulties, the members communicate with each other, adjust in time, and cooperate collectively, so that each member has the opportunity to present his own ideas, exert his own strengths and strive for the collective glory, and at the same time, learn from the collective. Great strength and confidence to enhance the team's sense of competition and mutual cooperation.

Expanding training activities as experiential training is the process of learning, experiencing, understanding, and sublimating in practice. In the future, the company will continue to organize various forms of outreach training activities, combined with job skills training, to integrate corporate organizational culture, motivate employees' potential, build outstanding teams, and enhance the core competitiveness of the team, and strive to become a better one. The Xingma team achieves a win-win situation for the team.